offers Internet Meme Stickers in Sheets of 6


Concepts can spread like wildfire through the Internet, and one of the most popular ways to communicate concepts is through an Internet Meme. Memes involve taking a photo and placing witty or sarcastic text on top of it to create a truly unique concept. These concepts are then spread around the Internet communicating messages or simply making people laugh.

Graphicsland and is taking the next step in Internet Meme concepts by pulling them out of cyber space. With Internet Meme stickers, your concept is now mobile! You can create your own meme online with a predesigned template at, or you can upload your own design to use. These custom designs can then be printed in sheets of 6 so you can put them anywhere!

In addition to printed stickers, the design you customize will also be shareable across all social media. For more information on our shareable option, check out our recent announcement.

For a little insight into what you can create, here are the Top 5 Meme Stickers on